Episode guide

Nathan Barley

Series 1

Nathan Barley

  • Nathan Barley

    A chance to revisit Charlie Brooker and Chris Morris' merciless media parody. Dan Ashcroft watches in horror as his world is overrun with 24-carat berks.

    Not scheduled
    Not scheduled
  • Nathan Barley

    Merciless media parody. Self-facilitating media node Nathan Barley makes content for his abysmal website. Meanwhile, Dan Ashcroft struggles to remain motivated.

    Not scheduled
    Not scheduled
  • Nathan Barley

    Comedy series written by Charlie Brooker and Chris Morris. Dan is plagued by a shrieking twit of a photographer called 15Peter20.

    Not scheduled
    Not scheduled
  • Nathan Barley

    More solid gold idiocy with the self-facilitating media node. Nathan tries to impress a glam TV star. Dan accidentally creates a new hairstyle after sleeping in paint.

    Not scheduled
    Not scheduled
  • Nathan Barley

    Merciless media parody. Editor Jonatton Yeah? wants Dan to take part in some straight-on-straight gay action, and Nathan meets a model.

    Not scheduled
    Not scheduled
  • Nathan Barley

    In the final episode of the media parody, Nathan piggybacks his way into Claire's TV meeting and Dan finally discovers a way to destroy Nathan. Totally Mexico!

    Not scheduled
    Not scheduled